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Economist July 16, 2009
The Neocatechumenal Way
Jerusalem Post (good article)
The Catholic Church has been bleeding parishioners for years. One of the few bright spots has been Latinos in the Unites States. And now, according to the Economist, even the Latinos are jumping ship. They are defecting to evangelical and charismatic churches.
The Economist list their reasons for the defections. Here is mine. I've never met a Catholic parish priest who could deliver a decent talk. They are all boring!
I think the church hierarchy realized they had a problem years ago. With the shortage of clergy (even though they are boring you still need them), plus the attraction of more lively churches they saw what was coming.
And then along came the Neocatechumenal Way, also know simply as The Way. The Way is a lay-driven organization made up of small, parish-based communities of between 20-50 people. It was started in Madrid, Spain, in 1964 by Kiko Arguello and Carmen Hernandez. (Arguello is a painter. The painting on this page is his). The pope liked what he saw and supported the Way.
Today, there are around 40,000 communities throughout the world, with an estimated 1 million members. The Way is essentially a Vatican-sanctioned evangelical movement within the Catholic Church. They are deeply committed to the New Evangelization, which was first mentioned by Pope John Paul II.
The New Evangelization is a movement within the Catholic Church that has lay members as well as clergy. Their mission is to seek converts and bring non-church going Catholics back into the fold. This is new for Catholicism. Lay Catholics have not been evangelical in the past.
I think the Catholic Church may keep their traditional structure (hierarchical with unmarried male priest at the top) and build up the Neocatechumenal Way (along with other organizations) to counter advances being made by other churches.
There are some who claim The Way is a cult within the Catholic Church and others who claim it is heresy.
My definition of a cult is an organization that is very difficult to leave. And as I understand it, you can walk away from The Way anytime. So I would not classify it as a cult. But that said, I haven't had personal experience with The Way.
As far as the heresy charge goes, if several popes have approved of the Way, I don't see how the heresy charge can stick. The Way does have something called a post-baptism for members who are already Catholic. If I understand it correctly, it's another baptism for adults who have undergone religious instruction. (see reply at bottom)
The Catholics killed thousands of Anabaptists who believed in re-baptizing adults. Re-baptizing adult Catholics would be a major departure from traditional teaching. If anyone knows more about this practice than I do, please post a comment.
Whether the Neocatechumenal Way helps stanch the departure of Catholics from the church is anybody's guess. It hasn't worked to date, but it seems to be the direction the church is taking.
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I am a priest who get his vocation through the Way (I used to be an atheist before the way). First I want to say that there is no second baptism. The word "post-baptism" is used only as part of definition of the Way in the phrase "post-baptismal catechumenate" basically meaning that the formation in faith which in early Church would be received before the baptism now in the way we receive it after the baptism. So it is not another baptism for those who have received religious instruction but helping those who are baptized to discover the deepest meaning of their baptism. I hope this clarify that point. Z.
Thanks for the information. I thought I might have misunderstood the meaning of "post-baptismal catechumenate." It makes sense now. Paul
I've been walking in the Way for 6 years now and was very cautious at first because I feared being taken in by a cult. In no sense has this been an experience of a cult. Instead, I have been transformed by the Holy Spirit toward a more profound understanding of my faith, and a deeper sense of my place in God's plan for human history. I was born and raised Catholic and was well-formed in the doctrines of the Church but have had my eyes opened to the truth of my life through my experiences in the Way, something doctrinal learning was unable to do. It's hard to describe but I can say truly that I am no longer afraid to die, and have no fear of life, because I know through the experiences of the Way that God is always at work in me and has always provided for me. Personally, the Neo-Cathecumenal Way has truly provided sign posts guiding me along on the "holy journey" (i.e in my search for holiness).
The Way is a gift of the holy spirit and a part of the roman catholic church under the congregation of the laity and its stutes aproved under the line of peter, so it is not a cult, unless people think of the roman catholic church as a cult. My experience is that the way is bringing me to something much more than a religion or movement in a religion, but to Jesus Christ. My family has been kept alive and saved from divorce, we are 9 and i am the eldest son, two of us have muscular dystropy(an illness), one slight autism and another dyslexia. The two youngest would not exist if not for the way. I went into a life crises from my illness(beckers muscular dystrophy) and saw no point to life, i wanted to be strong and healthy but my illness made it impossible, so i turned to drugs and heavy drinking and was very bitter and very sad, but from the good news announced to me through the way that Christ loves me as i am, a sinner, and of eternal life given freely my bitterness is turning sweet, thanks be to God for the way. I have been walking 10years. The family/society will be rebuilt.
I have been walking in the way for one year and made it up to the first scrutiny, it is more deep and alive that regular catholic comunion for sure. But, also it is more meaningfull and comitted!
I am still a little afraid of the cominment but confident I am in the right way...the way.
The Neocatechumenal Way has received official legal recognition inside the Church, and this must be taken as in some wise a measure of Mother Church's confidence in the authenticity of the charism that animates that "ecclesial reality".
That said, the organization, catechetical method, theological impostation, spirituality and (most importantly, perhaps) liturgical practice are all deeply problematic.
There has never been a charisma in the Church that has not faced a crisis of some sort, and the Neocatechumenal Way is no exception.
The survival of the group within the Church will depend entirely on the ability of the leadership and membership of the Way to recognize that they have serious, basic prooblems, and to address them with frankness and sincere docility to the constant tradition of magisterial interpretation: in a word, they need to learn to sentire cum ecclesia
My family has belonged to the Neocatechumenal Way for about 15 years now so I've basically grown up in it. I have walked in a community for about 10 years. In some ways the Way has had a very positive impact on my life (esp during my high school years) and I would recommend it in some cases. My faith as a Catholic is very important to me. However I just want to say that although it's been approved by the Catholic Church I have some concerns. It can be very time demanding and some of the members become so caught up in it to the point that they become alientated from family and friends outside of it. I've been called and "atheist" (by my parents) and told I was listening to the devil when I went to parish Masses on Sundays instead of Saturdays which bothers me. I am also not sure why we are required to buy all these expensive Kiko designed icons for the Eucharists and Liturgies. I'm sort of disenchanted with it right now...
do not become disenchanted, go to the eucharist when you can and with the family if not both just with the family the community should understand, prepare as much as possible and listen to your catechist
i think that to avoid alienation with family members and friends outside of the community, they should be invited to the evangelization. i have walked for one year, and, yes, telling people about the Way is very awkward, especially for kids like me who think that we should be "cool". but the way is saving me right now, and i want other people to see this, and i have even invited a friend to the evangelization.
oh my prayers are with all of you that the Holy Spirit will guide you... remember that Arianism and Jansianism (both heresies) also happened underneath the nose of the Pope... It appears quite likely that NCW is heretical, do all the research you can on Kiko's catechism for cathecists, read Zoffolli's book... BE ALERT.. you don't think The Enemy would be obvious as he tries to topple the Church do you?... NCW is, I am confident, a Trojan Horse... God Bless You
The Neocatechumenal Way is incredibly secretive and has an amazing amount of influence on its followers. Everything from the specific vocabulary "The Way" "walking" to its special mass is designed to make the followers feel special, chosen, and superior to people who have not seen the light and are not "the salt" flavoring the stew of humanity.
It also inspires a lot of guilt -if you miss a "liturgy" for work, then "money is your idol" - basically anything that you prioritize over the neocatechumenal community is considered an idol. It can be very hard on those who have a family member invested in it.
My spouse follows this church, and while I have gone to the catechesis and masses to listen as a gesture of support of my spouse, the catechist has repeatedly said that if I truly loved my spouse and were invested in my marriage, I would join "the way". I found the catechism repulsive in its talk of those outside "The Way" and think the fact that the first initiation of just listening, which later gives way to an increased time and financial commitment that you do not learn about from the outset, is dangerous. The public "scrutinies" and confessions in front of the group, and the overwhelming time commitment to the "community" taking time away from our family, has been a constant source of tension. When my spouse returns from weekend-long retreats, there is a big distance between us. I feel very much like my spouse is closer to the community than to our family, because of the urging to "echo" and unveil private thoughts to the community and I believe that some conversations are sacred within a marriage.
I do not think it is evil, but I do think it preys on normal human fears and that its structure through the years is designed to make it very difficult to leave. There is always that voice of echo in your head that you are listening to the devil and ignoring God in your heart if you do not follow the Way completely.
To the commenter above who is disenchanted: I can see why, and I can see how it is nearly impossible to entertain thoughts of leaving if your family is in it or if you have grown up in it. Seeing Kiko's art everwhere, the special palms on display, the secretive songs, the glorification of imitating the early Christians, the changing mass meeting times, the fact that the masses are not open to the public...these things are all very cult-like and hard to break free of once you are initiated into that thought-process.
There is a common theme of what I perceive as exaggeration of how bad life was before someone joined "the way" - i.e. illnesses, hatred of a parent, drug use, alcohol use, sense of emptiness. And they all end with how "The Way" saved them. These personal testimonies are critical in the first meetings, which are billed as "come and listen and explore your faith" type meetings, where you listen to people tell these inspiring stories of how their deepening faith saved them. I believe that it could help some people, but I also feel that once you are in it, it is far too powerful over daily life.
Of course the Catholic church has had to embrace it - the Neocatechumenal Way is a large and active feeding ground for vocations, and the only movement actively sending missionaries to sex-scandal-plagued locations around the world. The "way" is the church's best PR firm.
I agree with both the positive and negative comments posted here about the Neocatechumenal Way. The “Way” typically comes into parishes, boldly announcing its catechesis with posters and a direct appeal from the Sunday pulpit. Thereafter, the catechetical series begins, very simply with the message of God’s unconditional love for mankind: ‘Despite the fact that we are sinners, we are loved as if there was but one to love.’ In other words, basic Christian truths –yet stated profoundly and with considerable ability and energy by the catechists. The result is typically a strong positive response on the part of the parish attendees, many of whom have come from humble households or problem situations and have never heard this message of God’s love previously.
At the conclusion of this several week-long catechesis, there is an invitation to ‘continue the walk,’ with phrases emphasizing the idea of the ‘sailing ship’ and the tragedy of ‘missing the boat’: this special chance to encounter the Lord. In my case, the invitation was to a weekend retreat (“Convivence) in a Denver area hotel. As I recall, this was an enriching experience, as it led participants to deeper reflection of where they were going in their spiritual lives. However, then came the conclusion - a closed door meeting in a conference room with the roughly 30 participants and the “Way” catechists. Sitting in a ring, we were asked one by one to publicly state our experience of the weekend and whether or not we would like to continue to ‘walk in the Way.’ Though I had some reservations, I remember that the pressure to say something positive and to acknowledge a desire to continue was enormous, and I soon found myself assenting to joining the new community – along with literally every other person in that room. In retrospect, I believe this to have been a highly manipulative approach, which the “Neocatechuminal Way” – if it is still employing - should immediately terminate.
In any event, despite the positive aspects of the subsequent weekly spiritual preparation meetings and the intimacy of the Neocatechuminal mass, my concerns gradually increased. The pressure to conform to group culture and style (heavily Spanish) was one hurdle. The closed nature of the community and judgmental atmosphere for those not fully participating was another. The special language, such as ‘walking in the Way’ was also problematic. The implication was that if one was not ‘walking in the Way,’ one was not walking with Christ – which of course is nonsense, but was implicit in the atmosphere created by the “Way.”
So what is my assessment about this organization? It has undoubtedly been a successful movement and has helped many, especially those formerly ignorant of the basic message of Christ’s love, in developing and deepening their Christian faith. However, it has also alienated others, and a number of its practices are of dubious Christian character and charity. The “Neocatechuminal Way” has been both praised by Pope John Paul II and criticized by Pope Benedict XVI. It will continue to be controversial until it addresses a number of concerns.
In conclusion, for those of you who have found or deepened your faith through the “Neocatechuminal Way” – praise God for it, and work to improve and reform it, as must be done in all spiritual communities. However, for those – like myself – who tried the “Way” and found it problematic or simply not for them, do not lose heart, or think you are bad because of it. After all, the “Neocatechuminal Way” is not the Way. Jesus Christ is the Way (and the Truth and the Life). And though the “Neocatechuminal Way” may be one path toward that true Way, remember that there are a wealth of paths offered by our Holy Apostolic Catholic Church. With prayer to the Holy Spirit, you will find YOUR particular path to the true Way, our Lord Jesus Christ! Praise Him!
Is there a school, college or university who would allow non students to attend its classes, participate in its lectures, share in its activities? Except maybe for the parents who have enrolled their children in the institutions but even they are to follow some protocol. Yet you don't call them being secretive or "cults". The Way now officially had its Statutes approved by no less than the Vatican and it does not just introduce itself in a diocese without the express approval of the bishop, in a parish without the parish priest's invitation. The catechists are always to prayerfully follow the wishes of the head of the church.
I had been informed that its instructions and catecheses were many times over studied by the Sofia University long time ago and I suppose also scrutinized by other liturgists, theologians, etc. prominent or otherwise as well.
Appreciate hearing me out. Thank you.
Revise what you said...The Way is NOT a movement. we are part of the diocese.
I have been walking with a Neocathecumenal community for about three and a half years. Since our community was born as it is said in the NCW we have advancesd rather quickly in the NCW paths toward a colective commitment; having done the 1st scrutiny, a shema and a special convivence about a subject dealing with death. We are now in the middle of a 2nd scrutiny and I'm having some serious doubts about continuing. As a family we have felt the pressures to participate in preparqations for the liturgies of the word and the regular saturday's services. We have a child who perhaps suffers more than us as a result of our involvement with the way. They do not provide any means (other than volunteer bebaby-sitters) for our children to have concrete ivolvement in the community. We feel we neglect our child leaving him with the baby sitters for long periods of times especially in the monthly convivences etc. I also have observed the manipulative means the cathechist use to enable us to spill out all our shorcomings in public to determine if there has been a significant change in our lives since joining the way. The things one hears from the fellow neocathecumenals should be saved for the confessionary or a professional psychiatris. I see no purpose is served in this long and painful analysis of ones personality, that is soon subjected to judgement within the members of the groups and heavy division within what ought to be a harmonious relationship amongst all. MAny have been the graces received from our belief that the way is such but yes many more have been the burdens we endure to continue our involvement.
What is three and a half years of walking in the NCW compared to those who have persevered for 10, 15, or even longer years. The last "Step" of the Way is the "Election". But in actuality it does not end there. The brother continues to walk. His life is renewed in baptism. This time appreciating fully the liturgy, embracing his communal life with charity and entering the Eucharist more aware of its importance in his daily life.
I've find this very interesting. i understands all your guys perspective and opinions, all i can say is open you bibles and read it. for one can only understand and have there eyes open by reading it for oneself. God had created the bible for use to learned from him through his word, which is the BIBLE.
I really like this post about the Way because unlike other forums and discussions...this one is open to different viewpoints and does not critisize the Way without having done proper research.
I've been in the Way for 5 years (we haven't made a step yet :/)and I must say that without the Way, my parents would've been divorced already. But God has granted them the Spirit to recognized their faults and renew their marriage within the church. Now I have 3 more siblings and I've opened my heart to accept God's will. I feel God calling me to relious life...maybe an itinerant, or family in mission (those vocations attract me more) but it's whatever God decides for me. :)
The Way isn't boring like regular Mass, which is something good because us teens don't want to sit in Church for two boring hours long. The charisma that the way has is truly a gift from the Holy Spirit. I hope y'all who haven't had a persinal encounter with the Way, may go to the Catechesis.
You should maybe read the definition of CULT and definition of SECT. A cult is not by definition difficult to leave. Quite the opposite.
You're confusing the two.
NC is a cult like phenomenon within the catholic church
To those of you who continue to have reservations about the Neo-Catechumenal Way, please read this letter (link below) that Pope Benedict VI wrote to the members of the Neocatechumenal Way. He make reference to the "time of experimentation" and the eventual approval of the statutes in June 2008. He also speaks concretely of the various fruits the Neocatechumenal Way has given through the grace and mercy of God.
In the end, the Neo-Catechumenal Way is not the only path to salvation. It is but one out of many that God has allowed to fulfill various missions. For some their path is the evangelization (i.e. Neo-Catechumenal Way), for others is prayer (i.e. Monks, Cloystered Sisters), for others is the gift of charity (i.e. Sisters of Charity). None more important than the next and all equal in fulfilling the will of God.
The NCW is a sect: it follows it sown rules and reggulations, in consequence it is a sect.And lets not say that an university does not have its classes open to public.Is the NCW an university?? This confirms once again that it is a sect.Vatican approved it for other reasons not because it is a blessing.Other religions also do great things for the people.Wake up, do not fall in the trap of these NCW.They only want your money and keep you distracted with music nad dancing while patronize you with threas( you will not find God...) and take your money( urge you to but staff and to donate money...).They also keep you busy with studying the Old Testament for 20 years.Why does anyoe need to spend 20 years to study the Old Testament? Why does anyone need to study the Old Testament in the first place?? We are Christians and it is enough to study the World of Christ, the New Testament and...be aware: THE ONLY WAY THAT IT IS : it is JESUS CHRIST !!!!
I have been in the Neocathecumenal way on and off for some years. What I can say is that the NCW saved my marriage twice. Although I am a Catholic and normally did go to Mass, I never really experienced the love of God and his mercy in forgiving my sins like I did during my experience with NCW. Don't think it is the paraphenalia or Kiko paintings or whatever others may say. I just felt the gospel which was being read come to life and I actually started crying with relief of having found God.
But around 9 years after I started I began to move away to my old ways of becoming a self-sufficient person obsessed with personal development. Did the NCW fail me? Was it a load of air and no substance? NO! I just decided I did not want to take the next step. I slowly started to slide away until not only did I not go to the NCW but also started not going to church on Sunday occasionally. I spent 5 years away just drifting back into a materialistic life where personal development became my new idol. However God's Grace works in myserious ways and we were not far off from another breakdown of my marriage.. this time a very serious one...when my wife decided that she wanted to start going back to the NCW. Initially I refused and I believe it was through prayer of my wife and a priest of the NCW who from Australia prayed for me and supported my wife on the phone. I kept my ground and did not feel I needed anyone to run my life. However there came a time when just to humour my wife I decided to go for a weekend of the NCW - it was in a hotel after all so why not enjoy the break. And during one of the catechesis I was again struck by a word about how self-actualization can lead us to making ourselves gods... and I felt that God was talking to me, sensed inner joy, freedom and fraility of us humans and God's grace in touching our hearts. I am now back and going regularly in the NCW and I pray to God that in my failings and weakness I do not screw up again.
So is NCW a cult? If by a cult we mean that you are brainwashed or pressured than NCW is certainly not a cult. My friends in the NCW never ever put any pressure when we first stopped. When my wife wanted to talk to the Cathecists they were always there and they NEVER pressured us to return to the NCW. And they did all this for free from their own time.
Jesus said that you will see the goodness of those who come in his name by the fruit they bear and the fruit is that my marraige has been saved twice from myself, a weak person who thinks highly of himself but who is trapped in the weakness of the attractions of a materialistic life where I want to do what I will, without having any sense of responsibility towards others. I am definately not bashing myeslf here as to be honest I am still grateful for who I am. What I am learning is that although I do not deserve it God has given me an opportunity to know Him. So although I am a fiercely independent person who believes in freedom, through the NCW I am realizing that I am also a weak human who needs to cling and depend on only one reality: Jesus Christ who is our only Saviour and the Son of God incarnate who so loved us that He came to this world to save us from ourselves and our sins without expecting anything in return except that we embrace him as the only True Way.
Dear folks, let's not get trapped into arguments between us Christians. I personally feel that God saved me and grabbed me from my materialistic, Existential and occult forces I was moving towards (including New Age thinking) by pointing me towards the NCW. Others of you may feel God is pointing you towards other charisms in the Catholic Church. Who are we to tell God where he takes us? I feel safe knowing that the pope has fully accepted the NCW and I also can see from the fruits in my life that I am on the right road. Let us all be at peace and grateful... and PRAISE THE LORD for saving us with His Grace and Love! Halleluljah!!!
i am also in the way. my family is actually a itinerant family. the way has helped me so much in my life. if it werent for the way i wouldnt have been born. it is a great gift from God. being in the mission has been a great gift. if it werent for the way i wouldnt be in the catholic church.
While I see some very good personal outcomes in the lives of members of the NCW, I am uncomfortable with some aspects that I have experienced (I am a priest). Issues that need to be address are: elitism (you are not saved unless you belong to the NCW) - in fact the very description of the NCW as "the" Way is contrary, IMHO, to the idea of the Catholicity of the Church. In the Church there are many ways of following the Lord. Some of the liturgical practices are also doubtful - in fact I believe Pope Benedict has ordered some revision of some aspects of NCW liturgy. There have been in some parishes where I have worked tensions that arise between communities of the NCW and "ordinary" Catholics. The NCW is (despite the assertion above) a movement in the Church. It is not the Church! The local Church is the faithful gathered in parishes, associations, groups, communities etc around the bishop in communion with the Pope. I am somewhat uncomfortable with the profile and insistence on the music and art of Kiko - although Carmen doesn't get much of a look in! I was PP of a parish which had a community - good people all of them, but we were unable to celebrate Mass each Saturday for them due to other Pastoral commitments. The NCW priest accompanied by a NCW catechist from a neighbouring town came to remonstrate with me about my lack of ability to organize the parish so I could serve the NCW community better. Mind you he was recently ordained and may have lacked a little perspective.His rather high-handed approach did little to advance their cause. They eventually moved the community to another parish (I did invite the NCW priest to come and celebrate for them the Saturdays I couldn't - seems he wasn't interested). So for me the NCW is a bit of a mixed bag. I guess with time, the passing of founders and some guidance (such as Benedict XVI is giving) the NCW will mature into a more even movement at the service of the Church.
was in the Neocathecumenal Way for nine years, through the First and Second Scrutinies and The Initiation to Prayer. I had been elected by my community to be a catechist and was catechizing in our parish for two years. I began to see a greater and greater inflexibility by our catechists, who when seeking our input about ways to recruit more youth into the community refused to listen to our suggestions. They said they sought our suggestions, but seemed to have their own ideas beforehand. What is this about, I questioned to myself. It is like a dictatorship, I thought to myself. I left the Way. Many years later… as I was walking home from work on a very, very cold evening around Christmas, I saw an elderly woman across the street from me, walking back and forth in what appeared to be in a state of confusion. She was wearing a sleeveless summer dress. I went up to her and asked her where she wanted to go. She said something in a language I did not understand. She pointed to the bus, which she got on. I got on with her and sat next to her. I was nice and warm in a thin jacket under my new warm coat. I really liked this coat. I was greatly attached to it. I offered her my thin jacket under my coat. She shook her head “no.” Then, a calm, gentle voice spoke to my heart and said “I will help you to give your warm coat to this women I have entrusted to you. I offered her my warm coat and was only able to wear the thin jacket because Jesus Christ kept reminding me to focus on her comfort before my own. “Ah Ha!” Then, I remembered our catechists’ admonitions to “put the other first.” I won’t say that I did not suffer from that evening of walking around for hours in the cold trying to find where with this woman lived. But, a week later as I was recovering from a terrible cold I got that night, I kept thinking that the gift of understanding about what it meant to love another in the dimension of the cross was the greatest gift I had ever received. It was my early Christmas present from Jesus and from my catechists. Yes, there were irritations and certainly disagreements about the way some things are done (the chronic lateness of the catechists, for one); however, their intentions for each and every one of us in the community were pure and in the best interests of our souls. I have left the Way; but, the Way has never left me. I think the Neocatecumenal Way is a blessed way which leads to a deeper and deeper understanding of what the love of Christ really means.
22yrs ago started walking,did not profess the Creed this year but am promised by next year my wife will too
We have friends who are part of The Way. A huge concern that I have about all of this is that they have four young children (all under 7, one is a newborn) and they are always leaving the kids with someone from "the community". I help with their older children on a regular basis and their kids express that they are sad that their parents are gone a lot, that they don't know where their parents are, and they have expressed to me and their school teachers that they don't know who their constantly changing babysitters are and how they don't like it. These things have been expressed to the parents and the parents just keep blowing it off, telling me (and other parents and teachers) that their kids are so young, they'll get over it.
One of their kids gets so stressed out from the parents not being around that they stop eating. I asked the kid about why they aren't eating and the response was that they are sad and miss their mom and dad. A four year old telling me this!
I have expressed my concerns to the parents and they just say that they feel called to do this. They feel called by the community to participate this way. The problem I have is that their community participation has led to them neglecting their children. And they are okay with that. Because, as they said, their kids. They'll get over it.
So, I have a hard time not seeing this specific "community" as a cult and it really weighs my opinion on The Way.
Anyone who is a part of The Way, or used to be, care to weigh in on this? Is this about par for the course and I'm just not seeing the benefit of having parents not be there for their children and instead, leaving their children with strangers on a regular basis, thereby causing the children to act out in ways that suggest they are depressed and/or anxious?
I don'r get it. Please, seriously, enlighten me. If it's all part of a bigger picture, I'd love to know. That way I can stop worrying about these kids if I don't need to be. Thanks!
A few weeks ago a young Italian seminarian gave a talk in place of our parish priest's homily.
He was very earnest and continually referred to how the NCW had brought him to the seminary. I'm aware that part
of the NCWs appeal is that members' families give up one
or two of their sons to the priesthood but their first formation is at an NCW seminary and then they attend a standard seminary.
When the service was finished, I shook the young man's hand at the door. I observed a fixed emptiness in his eyes and took note of his indifferent
His manner did not match his
impassioned performance in the pulpit. He was like an automaton.
I think that Kiko Arguello is a wolf in sheep's clothing and
the NCW is a poison that has been allowed to circulate through
the Church. I have met quite a few "neocats" and they are blinded by loyalty to the cult
of Kiko. I think all Catholics should be on our guard and stop
this movement from infiltrating our parishes. We have enough tribulations without having a cult in a midst.
This NCW Movement has to stop because it has seriously affected my relationship with my family and has caused my being depressed.
It has destroyed the Parish of St Gerard Majella Mirrabooka in Western Australia.
Beware of the NCW in your parishes and even in your dioceses. More danger when your bishop "walks" and manipulates the whole diocease to get as many NCW priests in the parishes AND get rid of non NCW priests with false charges. For more info go to junglewatch.info
Concerned Catholic formally from Guam
Thank you. I just wanted to know where to ship it since I know now to keep producing it
Catholic Gifts
Interesting. I am involved in the Way. I have heard no call for monthly money. I have heard the call for donations to pay for meeting spaces. Most donations are made on the parish level. We attend mass both with the group and our different parishes. We've had members leave, we still talk with them. No one I know in the Way considers themselves better then others. On Holy days of obligation it is our community that seems to have the most altar children. Also, our parish priests are always involved and work with the catechumenate. Time is a big thing however. It does require a lot. But less then Mass every day at the parish. a full third to half of my participation time is spent preparing for meeting by studying the Bible. The rest is set up/down, visiting the sick, etc. Secrecy can be concerning but if one looks its on the web among the 20 year old complaint sites. Usually I find the info on the Vatican site, EWTN, or Various neocatechumenal way sites.
Given this, I can see where folks are wary. The problems I see described are problems that seemed caused by individual leaders, not of the movement it self. I believe that the concerns of the those not involved need to be heeded only as a way to safe guard against these things that may come up. Finally it isn't for everyone. There are other catholic Charism groups that provide for others as well as we do. You are free to try.
God is love, if you follow the 1st commandment you know God. If you know God you follow the 2nd commandment.if you follow the 2nd commandment then you will have eternal life
If you follow the 2nd commandment,
Exodus 20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
Not even those produced and sold to the communities by Kiko :)
I was in the Way
It ruined my family
It traumatised me deeply
Ultimately I might have stayed some kind of Christian were it not for what it did to me and my family
It grows narcissists out of traumatised/depressed people and makes them afraid to leave.
If you're still in it you wouldn't know that. Try telling your catechists you're thinking of going.
Then watch as everyone in your community gives up speaking to you unless you have a promise of returning.
You're not a person, you're a tool for Kiko.
The Neocatechumenal Way is a dangerous sect/cult masquerading as a charism, they practice spiritual manipulation. That is why the Neocatechumenal Way targets people with low esteem who are depressed and emotionally mixed-up, they know that they can easily manipulate vulnerable people who have a deep and sincere desire to take their faith seriously. This spiritual manipulation are the Neocatechumenal Way scrutinies. In the Neocatechumenal Way, each stage of The Neocatechumenal Way ends with a Scrutiny, the most controversial aspect of the Neocatechumenal Way. The Scrutinies are a key part of the Neocatechumenal Way spiritual discipline, which is a blanket practice of the psychological manipulation practiced by “the Way”.
Jesus Christ is at the center of the NCW. It is not for everybody because you have to be willing to give up a lot of time with your family and friends. I have found that The Way has opened my eyes to the love of God and the love that Jesus has for all humanity. Without the way I would have been lost to the point of becoming homeless and without hope. The Good News came to me via our parish priest one day when I was about to leave my whole family behind. Somehow I decided to stop by the church that day. Something deep inside me told me to go to confession that very day. I had never heard of The Way. I didn't know it existed. But the priest told me to go to a catechism that was going on that very day. He didn't tell me that it was called the NCW. It was not until about 2 months after the catechism that I found out what it was called. It is not a cult. The community is there for you. The masses are open to anyone that wants to go. It is not only for the community brothers and sisters. The way shows us that we need to be more like Jesus and to offer our shortcomings to Him. I am grateful to God and the Holy Spirit for bringing this great news to me. There is Truth, Love and Beauty in the way if you are open to it. God bless everyone. Let us love our enemies!
Anonymous at September 16, 2019 at 4:07 PM - It is obvious that you have been spiritual manipulated and cannot think rationally, open your eyes and pray for the gift of discernment that you may see the truth. The Neocatechumenal Way religion is not Catholic, it targets people with low esteem who are depressed and emotionally mixed-up and manipulates them. Do not be fooled, get out while you can.
It's pity they hide their pedophile priests and not warn the communitions especially the redemptorist mater seminary in perth
Where their priests run amok abusing children
Excellent post. Described my experience 100 percent.
All I can say for those in it now. Imagine a life where you don't have to deal with it's endless requirements. Trust me, you are a good person. You aren't an evil person who needs some incestuous group.
I have been a member of the NCW in Australia for 22 years. I also entered the seminary for formation to the priesthood for five years in which I completed a Theology Degree. While I know of some people who have encountered problems and difficulties with the NCWay, I still believe that it is the only Way available in the Church to receive an in-depth adult faith formation. The catechesis presented in the Way is Vatican approved and very faithful to Catholic teaching. We all have freedom of choice and a conscience to follow what we believe to be the truth, but our conscience needs to be an informed one. I have disagreed with Catechists and community members, but I do believe in the teachings of the Church. I am not a priest, but my education enables me to recognise authentic Catholic teaching, which I have listened to in the catechesis presented by the Way. I believe everyone has the right to question what they see and hear and if need be to challenge what doesn't appear correct. The Church is a place for faulty and sinful people... those who are perfect do not need the Church. If anyone has had a negative experience in the Way, then that is a shame, but remember that no one is perfect except your Father in Heaven who is perfect.
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