April 25, 2009

Fred Phelps

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April 24, 2009 (Washington Post - has a link to a video).
Pastor Phelps also has problems with dead poets. Seven congregants of the Westboro Baptist Church showed up at Walt Whitman High School in Bethesda to protest a school being named after a person who was probably gay or bisexual. They were met by hundreds of students. The above date has the story and a video.
Rebekah Phelps-Davis, daughter of Fred Phelps, said it was "the duty of the servants of God to go where the message needs to be heard."
Before going to Whitman High, they stopped off at the funeral of a Middletown, Md., family killed in a murder-suicide last week, claiming that those deaths, like U.S. military casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan, were God's wrath toward a godless people. Police asked them to leave.

Here is a link to Phelp's wikipedia entry.

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